In 2024, amidst the ever-evolving landscape of leadership influenced by advancements in AI, volatile geopoliticsand more, a pivotal mindset shift emerged – a commitment to humanising leadership.


Recognising the growing importance of humane leaders in the workplace, particularly in Southeast Asia, we, as the region's first leadership hub, sought to delve deeper into understanding the key factors that contribute to enhancing leadership from a humanised perspective.


Our pursuit led us to engage in a meaningful conversation with a distinguished expert in humanising leadership,Atul Khosla. In our interaction with Khosla, he not only spoke with compassion but also ensured that everyone understood the reasoning behind certain strategies while infusing the conversation with little quips of humour.


When asked about how humane leadership impacts talent retention, Khosla said,

Talented people thrive in an environment where they feel cared for and are given the space and opportunity to grow and be at their best. They leave toxic leaders. 


Founder, Leadership Et' Humanite' LLC

He mentions, “People connect with who you are before they get inspired by what you do. Yet leaders often hide their humanity, attempting to impress their teams solely with intellect and authority.” The consequence? Employees may respond to expectations but fail to truly engage. This results in relationships that are transactional rather than transformative.


Khosla identifies three pivotal traits that define leaders who embrace the humane approach

  • Compassion in the face of failure
  • Authenticity in emotions
  • Creating a safe and nurturing environment for all team members
Compassion Over Judgement

Leading with humanity starts with a fundamental shift in how leaders view and respond to failures and mistakes. Rather than adopting a judgmental stance, empathetic leaders choose compassion.


“Remember that time we had someone present a marketing campaign and the numbers weren’t there?” asked Khosla. He continued, “Perhaps some would think, ‘Oh, she should be reprimanded,’ but where’s the empathy in that? She worked very hard on the campaign, so we acknowledged her efforts, asked about the challenges then helped to brainstorm new ideas. She walked away feeling supported and motivated and guess what? Delivered a killer campaign the next month!”


Fostering an atmosphere where learning and growth are celebrated rather than criticised, leaders create a space for innovation and resilience to thrive.

Authenticity in emotions

According to Forbes, 75% of employees desire more authenticity at work, emphasising the importance of authentic leadership for fostering a positive culture and attracting a diverse workforce.


A veneer of professionalism often veils genuine emotions. Khosla elaborates, “Picture a CEO, sharing a personal story about overcoming burnout during a company-wide meeting. Speaking openly about their struggles, the toll it took on their health and relationships, and the lessons learned. This wasn't just a CEO giving a speech; it was a human being sharing their experience, and that creates a powerful connection."

Creating a Safe Environment for Everyone

A safe and inclusive workplace is the cornerstone of a humanised organisation. "Humane leaders create a safe environment for everyone," notes Khosla.


“Imagine walking into a company where everyone feels heard, valued, and respected, regardless of their background or beliefs. Start by implementing unconscious bias training, establishing an anonymous reporting system for discrimination, and fostering a culture of open communication. The result? A diverse and thriving team where everyone feels empowered to bring their whole selves to work."

So, how does one lead with humanity?

At its core, it is not a qualification but a mindset that must be consciously nurtured and practised. Leaders are encouraged to pause and reflect on the impact and legacy they wish to build.


"Leaders need to pause and reflect on what is the impact and legacy they want to build," suggests Khosla. Success, as Khosla notes, becomes a natural by-product when leaders prioritise their teams' well-being over transactional relationships.


According to Harvard Business Review, employees working under wise and compassionate leaders experience 86% higher job satisfaction. When employees experience genuine care and understanding from their leaders, they reciprocate with increased loyalty. This loyalty, in turn, becomes the bedrock of talent retention and enhanced performance.


Khosla adds, “When leaders lead with humanity, success is no longer the sole focus. Top talent is not only attracted to your organisation but they are also inspired to contribute their best, driven by a sense of purpose and connection.” It's a paradigm shift that transforms workplaces from mere professional arenas to communities where individuals thrive, and businesses flourish.


Humanising an organisation is not a mere buzzword; it is a strategic imperative for thriving in the contemporary business landscape. Leaders who prioritise kindness, authenticity, and the creation of a safe environment foster a culture that attracts and retains top talent. The challenge for leaders is not merely to perform their roles but to engage with their teams on a human level.


As Atul Khosla wisely advocates, "Leaders need to consciously choose to be good human beings first, and only then can they lead with authenticity and inspire with intellect."


Ready to embark on the journey of humanising your leadership and transforming your organisation? The LEH-Catapult Leadership Journey is designed to embed sustainable change supported by real-life experiences, assessments, coaching and learning with the best thought leaders in the world.


Contact us today to unlock the full potential of your leadership and foster a culture of enduring excellence.


Founder, Leadership Et' Humanite' LLC


Atul Khosla is a globally recognised thought leader with 30+ years of experience in Organisation Development, Talent Management, and Business Transformation. With a background in regional HR leadership at PepsiCo, Novartis, and Mondelez International, Atul excels in designing and delivering impactful training programs and change management strategies.


LEH is a movement focused on nurturing leaders who lead with humanity, creating lasting positive impacts on themselves, their teams, and the businesses they lead, while also enhancing their value for the represented organisations. Providing personalised leadership interventions with programmes that are deeply embedded in the principles of humanity, LEH works with businesses, leaders, and educational institutions. LEH nurtures leaders who are purpose and values-driven, preserve a growth and resilient mindset, and can inspire and engage others around them.


Forbes. Great Cultures Begin With Authentic Leaders 

Harvard Business Review. Becoming a More Humane Leader