OSIM A Fun and Easy Way to Tone Up with OSIM uZap Body Vertical Vibration Technology

Deal Details

01 Mar - 12 Mar
Tone and shape up effortlessly with the latest OSIM uZap Body vibration exercise board. 

Featuring vertical vibration technology with up to 780 vibrations per minute and patented shock absorber technology, you can achieve an effective and safe full-body workout at the comfort of your home and minimise impact on your knees. Groove to the beat with uZap Body’s Music Synchronise program for a fun workout and uplift your mood.

Perfect for individuals of all ages and any fitness level. Achieve a shapelier you with just 15 minutes a day!

The uZap Body Vertical Vibration Board is available now till 12th March at $799 (RRP$1,299). Visit us at our stores find out more!

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