10 Days Of Wellness:
Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Well-being

Wellness begins within. In line with CapitaLand’s Live It Up! Wellness & Community festival in June, here’s a checklist of small ways in which you can give yourself a little wellness boost in your daily life.

When it comes to wellness, most of us associate it with physical health, but there’s a lot more to it than just exercising and watching our diet.

Defined as the state of being in good health, especially as an actively-pursued goal, wellness consists of several pillars—physical, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual health. Because each pillar is closely tied to another, it’s important for us to work on and improve the different aspects of our well-being instead of just focusing on one.

If you don’t know where to start, we’ve got your back with our 10 days of wellness checklist that you can follow along concurrently with Live It Up!, CapitaLand’s Wellness & Community festival, running from 3 to 12 June 2022. Even if you’d like to take things at your own pace, the checklist below works as a daily reminder to put yourself first. Read on to find out how each tip can help give you a much-needed wellness boost.

We know, it’s tough enough to not hit snooze in the morning, let alone drag ourselves up to make the bed. But this simple habit can kickstart our productivity for the day. Intentionally setting aside time to make our bed can give us a sense of accomplishment, which encourages us to complete another small task, and another, and another. Plus, a decluttered environment reduces stress levels, and is a lot more welcoming than a messy space.

Once you get into the habit of it, making your bed will only take you seconds.
Açai bowls are the perfect healthy, ice-cold treat for the scorching Singapore weather. Image courtesy of An Açai Affair.

Snack time doesn’t always have to be sinful—healthier options like fresh fruits or nuts can be just as satisfying as a bag of chips or a scoop of ice cream. When that midday slump hits, order an açai bowl from An Açai Affair, or grab a cup of freshly squeezed fruit juice from SF Fruits. Açai berries are packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, and fibre, while fresh fruits are a great source of natural sugars for that post-lunch energy boost.

You can also enjoy your healthy snack of choice with a side of piping hot tea. There's actually much to learn about the art of tea making—discover more from our Healthy Tea Workshop.

An Açai Affair — Jewel, B2-262; Westgate, B1-30

SF Fruits — Multiple outlets.

The karaoke scene is alive and well once more in Singapore, but sometimes, nothing beats belting out our favourite songs in the shower. It’s an easy way to destress after a long day, releasing any tension we might be holding on to subconsciously. Upgrade those shower jam sessions with Ultimate Ears’ Wonderboom 2 Speaker from Harvey Norman. Portable, waterproof, and with a whopping 13-hour battery life, you can sing to your heart’s content, and then some.

If you’d like to take your dance moves out of the shower and into the streets, then don’t miss out on our Glow Stick Dance workout sessions. You’ll get to dance, jump, and sweat it all out alongside others—a great way to end off a workday.

Harvey Norman — Bukit Panjang Plaza, 03-06 to 07A; Westgate, B1-38 to 39. 

In the shower or on the go, jamming out is easy with a good Bluetooth speaker. Image courtesy of Harvey Norman.
Nothing like a classic, sleek water bottle to encourage us to stay hydrated. Image courtesy of BHG.

One of the easiest ways we can start taking better care of our well-being would be to drink more water. Did you know that the Health Promotion Board recommends we consume at least eight to 10 glasses of 250ml each of water in Singapore? That’s at least two litres of water a day—most of us might be going about our day dehydrated without even knowing it.

Most of the human body is made up of water, so by staying sufficiently hydrated, our bodies can function at its best, and we’ll feel more energetic and alert throughout the day. We’ll also generally be in a better mood, with less frequent headaches to boot.

If you’re one to need little reminders to up your daily water intake, the Joseph Joseph Dot Hydration Tracking Water Bottle from BHG is perfect for you. Each time you refill the bottle and screw the lid back on, a little dot counter appears to show you how many bottles you’ve drank.

BHG — Multiple outlets.

When we experience intense emotions, the last thing we’d want to do is dwell on them, but research has shown that taking the time to pen down our thoughts can help to improve our overall mental health. Regularly writing about our day helps us identify any emotional or mental triggers, enabling us to better understand ourselves and our emotions.

To start off, we recommend investing in a solid notebook from Bynd Artisan, where you’ll get to select your choice of paper, notebook sleeve, and binding, or choose from a selection of ready-made journals.

In the same vein, meditating could also help to decrease stress levels and ease anxiety. It pulls us into the present moment, clears our minds, and helps to improve our relaxation response. While it might not help to eradicate every anxious thought that might pop into our heads, making a habit of meditating has been proven to help us better let go of these thoughts and feelings as they come.

It is a little more challenging to get into than journaling, as it takes time to get used to sitting quietly with our intrusive thoughts, but here are some simple steps if you’d like to embark on your meditative journey. Set a timer for 5 minutes, and find a quiet, comfortable spot. Close your eyes and inhale and exhale deeply, focusing on your breathing. Whatever thoughts pop into your head, acknowledge them, and let them go. Continue till the 5 minutes are up, and try meditating for a longer duration the next time.

For more meditation guidance, sign up for our art therapy workshops such as Abstract Art Workshop, Zen Colouring with Threads, Zentangle, or Waterbrush Lettering, where you’ll learn how to practice mindfulness while creating art. It’s a simpler, more lighthearted method of easing yourself into the habit of meditation and mindfulness, and a therapeutic way to spend your time.

Bynd Artisan — Raffles City, 03-24.

Sketching, jotting down random thought, or planning out your finances — a good notebook is one that can do it all. Image courtesy of Bynd Artisan.

We might have our phones on “do not disturb” mode during me time, but it’s still tempting to check in on messages every once in a while. This is why the best way to disconnect would be to leave those phones at home. You’d be surprised at how much more you’ll discover without any digital distractions, and it’s so liberating to just be present and soak in the sights and sounds of the environment, whether you’re people-watching at your favourite café, or admiring the greenery at a nearby park.

And instead of digitally capturing those ‘gram-worthy moments, why not learn to paint what you’re inspired by? Join us for a Natural Pigments Workshop, where you’ll get to create nature-based paints using foods and plants, and pick up basic watercolour painting techniques, all while creating a work of art using your handmade pigments. 

Whether you choose to sign up for a studio membership or love exploring the wide array of workout videos online, a new workout routine will give you an energy and endorphin boost. Yoga, HIIT, strength training—whatever it is, just get moving, and you’ll definitely feel a rush of energy and good vibes. Bonus: rally your whole family or some friends to get active together, and work on your social wellness at the same time.

The Power Up! Workout is the perfect opportunity to get the gang together. This 1.5 hour dance workout session is bound to be great fun, especially when you’re doing it in a big group. 

Besides being highly therapeutic, beading helps both children and adults alike maintain their fine motor skills, and encourages creativity. Image courtesy of Spotlight.

Yeah, it’s fun heading to a bar for a night out with friends, but it’s equally fun having a cosy night in with the people that matter. Indulge in some old-school fun with an arts and crafts night at home—make friendship bracelets with beads from Spotlight, paint on mini canvases from Art Friend, or experiment with air-dry clay from Daiso. It’s a fun way to catch up with loved ones, and is a great form of self-care. Studies have shown that creating something with our own two hands can cause our brain to release endorphins (happy hormones), and this calming effect can last for several hours. Somewhat like meditation, the process of making things draws us into the present, and allows us to really focus on the task in front of us.

Art Friend — Plaza Singapura, B1-10 and B1-13. 

Daiso — Multiple outlets.

Spotlight — Plaza Singapura, 05-11 to 19; Westgate, 03-44 to 45 and 03-34 to 37. 

What's your go-to reading material — graphic novels, fiction, or non-fiction? Image courtesy of Times.

Studies have shown that losing ourselves in a good book can help to slow down our heart rate and reduce muscle tension. In other words, reading can help us destress. It also helps to sharpen mental acuity, which is important in keeping our mind healthy, especially as we get older. So instead of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram on the train, bring a book out with you to read (Times has a great selection!). You’ll find that it’s way more interesting than seeing what your acquaintances ate for lunch.

Times — Plaza Singapura, 04-05. 

We all know that having plants around the home or office can boost your mood, but something less appreciated is the effect of scent on the psyche. Scents send signals to our limbic system, which is the sector of the brain that controls memory and emotion, so having a soothing, comforting scent in your workspace can do wonders for your stress levels and mood, so go ahead and introduce a diffuser with your favourite scent. Hysses has a wide selection of essential oils and aromatherapy products, so you can drop by their store to discover what scent appeals to you the most.

Alternatively, if you’d like a foolproof aroma to start off with, Scent by SIX’s Discover Hikaru! Our Happy Scent! sessions might be just the thing for you—created in collaboration with the Singapore Association of Mental Health, Hikaru is mainly made from yuzu, as it’s been proven to spark feelings of love and joy, so diffusing this scent at your desk will make you a happier, more productive worker.

Hysses — Multiple outlets.

Scent by SIX — Bugis Junction, 01-15.

This Daruma kitty clay diffuser will bring both good fortune and great scents to your workspace. Image courtesy of Hysses.

Our little checklist might only be 10 days long, but wellness is something that we should work towards on the daily. We hope that this little challenge has given you some ideas to boost your overall well-being in your everyday.

For more wellness tips and activities, CapitaLand will be launching Live It Up! - a Wellness & Community festival from 3 to 12 June 2022, which is organised as part of Singapore Tourism Board’s inaugural Wellness Festival Singapore. Across the 10 days of the festival, shoppers, retail and workspace tenants alike can expect to take part in a lineup of physical and mental wellness programmes, as well as exclusive health and wellness e-deals on the CapitaStar app. For more information, click here.

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